Owens recognizes that everyone might have a different level, ranging from total beginners to those more seasoned. For more beginner-friendly modifications, look to assistant Poofy Moffitino, on the right. For those dealing with any type of knee problems, or in need of modifications, Owens recommends looking to Poofy for other ways to decrease the intensity of the movements. Simple examples include performing a hold instead of repeated pulsing motions, or regressing to a reverse lunge instead of a more complicated curtsy lunge.
To ramp up the volume, assistant Madisyn Maniff, on the left shows ways to increase intensity. Whether that's performing lunges with continuous pulses, or not letting your knee rest at the bottom of a donkey kick, Owens and Maniff show that there's so many ways to switch things up. "You can always take this workout, repeat it, use your time under tension or pulsing to measure your growth," Owens says. "That's what's so amazing about this, you can add bands, or you can add ankle weights."
For more videos like this, be sure to subscribe to our PS Fit YouTube channel and always remember to find fun with fitness.