Form cues and tips:
(warm up with 5-7 minutes of cardio beforehand. As always, check with a doc before making any fitness changes. Honor your body and modify as needed.)
1) Curtsy lunge, side to side: angle your front foot out 45 degrees and step your opposite foot back and around. For example, if your right foot is forward, when you step your left foot back, your left foot should be in line with your right shoulder. Bend your knees and sink your hips straight down, keeping your chest lifted and shoulders relaxed. Squeeze and exhale to rise, before switching to the opposite side.
2) Squat and calf raise: start with your feet at least hip distance apart and toes out. Keep your chest high and core tight as you sink down into your squat with your weight in your heels. Exhale to rise, and lift up onto your toes. Repeat, slowly and with control. Challenge option: hold a dumbbell at your chest, and press it overhead as you perform the calf raise.
3) Lateral lunge, plie squat, switch. Come into your lateral lunge with one leg bent, and the other, straight out to the side. Keep your core pulled in and touch the floor. Keeping your hips low, move to the center in a low plie squat, trying to keep your thighs parallel to the floor. Your knees should go out towards your toes, but not past your toes. Lateral lunge on the other side, and keep moving, side to side, with low hips.
4) Hip raise: my ALL TIME favorite booty move! Start on your back with legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips, keeping your upper back pressing into the floor. Lower down towards the floor (don’t touch it!) and exhale to rise back up. Continue for the minute. Challenge option: lift one leg off the floor for 30 seconds, and switch to the other side.
5) Dumbbell hamstring curl and lift: reach back and place a dumbbell in between your feet.