Pilot’s Day Off

He went into work to take care of some paperwork for an hour, so I hit up the base gym.

Instead of doing chest presses on my back, I did them angled with the stability ball, and also used the stability ball under my shins for the push-ups – otherwise my belly would touch the floor.

Topped it off with 25 right leg lunges, 50 squats and 25 left leg lunges, it was a great little workout.

Breakfast was courtesy of the Pilot, who makes way better omelets than I do 

Toast with jelly, along with an amazing omelet:

-1 egg + 2 egg whites

-almond milk – he always adds this to eggs and it makes them so much fluffier

-goat cheese



-dehydrated tomatoes

I had some local orange tomatoes that were on their last leg, so instead of letting them die a slow death, yesterday I popped them into the dehydrator with some oregano, garlic and sea salt.

They came out rather nicely.

I also finished the Naked juice we shared on the way home from base:

Wish away, little Bell.

We actually don’t have a ton planned for today, but I have some work stuff to get done. I’m sure the Pilot will have no prob relaxing in the meantime 🙂

Enjoy your Monday and I’ll see ya later today <3