The void is filled


Speaking of school, I’m sure that my experience has piqued curiosity in many of you about potentially attending the academy. Please let me know if you’re thinking of going and have any questions about it—I’d be more than happy to answer them.

So tonight, my Indian food void was quelled.

That’s my long lost Baiga Bhartha love right there.

Devoured. Along with the dippers and pappadum:
Vino (I was celebrating.. not sure what. Life? Haha)

It was so lovely. I guess being home isn’t so bad after all ๐Ÿ˜‰

To rewind back to earlier this afternoon, I finally made some KALE CHIPS!
Three Teflexx sheets worth and I made sure to make some pieces extra cheeeeesy

They’re in the dehydrator getting nice and crispy-like

(After I tweak the school’s recipe and make it my own –this batch was an experiment- I’ll be happy to share it with you)

Afternoon snack was a nanner with almond butter, mesquite and cinnamon:


(To those of you who aren’t sure about mesquite, I promise it doesn’t taste like tree bark as it might sound—it has a sweet, nutty flavor)

All washed down with a Dave Farmar 60-minute yoga podcast. I was sweating, but it wasn’t anything like being in the heated room in OKC. Can I buy a space heater and turn the guest room into a yoga room?? Has anyone tried this before?

After yoga, I grabbed an unpictured cucaracha (aka medjool date) and met Jeni at the gym for some cardio and weights.

Frontal raises 5 lbs each 3 sets of 12
OH tricep dumbbell extension 12 lbs 3 sets of 12
Stability ball push-up Body weight 3 sets of 12
Elliptical Level 6 10 minutes
Dumbbell Upward Row 8 lbs each 3 sets of 12
V-rope triceps press 40 lbs 3 sets of 10
Supine chest press 5 lbs each 3 sets of12
Elliptical Cross country 2 program 20 minutes
Total time: 1 hr 10 min    

After the gym, we had our delicious Indian feast. It was so nice catching up with Jeni and hearing about everything I missed while I was away. I’m excited to see my other friends as well—there’s rumor of a Jacksonville trip this weekend ๐Ÿ˜€

I’m off to do some laundry and then pack AGAIN because I’m leaving for Orlando in the morning! Time to pick up the Bella-boo from my auntie’s and hang out with the girls.

Have a great night!