1. Reclining Bound Angle Pose
This is a quieting pose, making it a great place to start. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place feet flat on the ground. Then drop your knees out wide with the soles of your feet touching so your legs form a diamond. Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly. “Feel your heartbeat slow down,” says Wallin. “This takes me out of my mind and what’s giving me anxiety.” Stay in the pose for at least one minute. Repeat as necessary.
2. Seated Forward Bend
Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out straight in front of you. Keeping your torso long (don’t curve your back), fold forward and reach for your toes. Reach as far as you can without shaking or being uncomfortable. If your hands can make it to your knees or shins, rest your hands on your legs and stay there for a minute. With time and practice, you’ll eventually be able to reach farther, Wallin says.
3. Sun Salutation A
Stand with your feet slightly apart. Keep arms at your sides, with face palms facing forward. Raise arms up above your head toward the sky and then slowly reach your arms back, arching your back and opening up your chest. Each day you do this, you may find that your chest is able to open more and more, says Wallin. Fold forward to reach toward your toes. Hold for a few breaths at the top of the pose and then in the forward bend. Repeat if desired.
4. Half Pigeon Lying Down
This pose helps you release tightness in your hamstrings. Lie on your back and bring knees up toward your chest. Fold your right leg, so that your heel rests on the left knee and your right knee sticks out to the side. Reach behind your left leg and pull toward you. You should feel a stretch in your hamstring — that’s when you know you’re in the pose. Hold for about a minute or a few breaths. Repeat on the other side.
5. Legs up the Wall
This is a great grounding and calming pose because all it asks you to do is lie with legs elevated up a wall and rest, says Wallin. To do it, sit with your right side against a wall. Lie down, then pivot your body toward the wall and swing your legs up the wall so they’re resting against it. Lie on a mat if that’s more comfortable and feel free to put a pillow or blanket under your head for comfort. Also consider placing a folded blanket under your lower back to support your spine or one under your neck if it makes the position more comfortable.
If you’re a beginner, “you may feel your legs shaking in the pose,” says Wallin. “But this pose over time will help create space to sit with your thoughts.” Try putting yourself in this pose for a meditation practice if you have one, she adds. Hold for a few breaths or as long as it feels good.